Army National Guard Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett

Fort Pickett Maneuver Training Center near Blackstone has more than 225 full-time state and federal employees provide support to tenant and training units on approximately 41,000 acres featuring a combination of open and wooded terrain maneuver areas and 21 ranges capable of supporting almost any weapons system in the U. S. Army inventory with barracks to support more than 5,000 personnel as well as an Army airfield operation.

Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett News

Participants in the Virginia Department of Military Affairs Workforce Development Mentoring Program graduate during a ceremony Feb. 23, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. The mentors and mentees began their partnership early in 2022 and successfully completed a year of mentoring and learning from each other. Retired Brig. Gen. Walt Mercer, the DMA Chief Operations Officer, and retired Command Sgt. Maj. Tim White, the DMA instructor and trainer, spoke at the event before mentors and mentees, including some attending virtually from the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia, via a live stream, received their graduation certificates.
DMA mentorship program graduates third class
Feb. 28, 2023
Participants in the Virginia Department of Military Affairs Workforce Development Mentoring Program graduated during a ceremony Feb. 23, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia.

Command Sgt. Maj. Rhonda L. Williams assumes responsibility as the Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett command sergeant major from Command Sgt. Maj. Ronald M. Howell Sr. during a change of responsibility ceremony January 21, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. Col. James C. Shaver Jr., Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett garrison commander, presided over the ceremonial exchange of colors representing the transfer of responsibility from Howell to Williams.
Williams looks to encourage next generation of VNG enlisted leaders
Feb. 17, 2023
Command Sgt. Maj. Rhonda Williams, the Virginia Army National Guard G4 Logistics sergeant major and the Maneuver Training Center Fort Picket. command sergeant major, is setting an example for the organization's next generation of senior NCOs.

Col. Van T. Barfoot, during his Medal of Honor ceremony (left) and as a colonel (right). The Virginia National Guard’s Fort Pickett will officially be redesignated Fort Barfoot after the World War II Medal of Honor recipient with extensive Virginia ties. The ceremony is scheduled for March 24, 2023, in the Fort Pickett area near Blackstone, Virginia.
Va. National Guard training center to be redesignated Fort Barfoot
Feb. 14, 2023
The Virginia National Guard’s Fort Pickett will officially be redesignated Fort Barfoot in honor of Col. Van T. Barfoot, a World War II Medal of Honor recipient with extensive Virginia ties. The ceremony is scheduled for March 24, 2023, in the Fort Pickett area near Blackstone, Virginia.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers from across the commonwealth conduct their 68W combat medic certification during refresher training Jan. 25, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. More than 30 VNG medics completed classroom and practical training, including two medical and two trauma scenarios, challenging the Soldiers’ knowledge and skill in their job field. The Fort Pickett-based VNG Medical Command hosted the course, which combat medics must take once every two years to retain their combat medic status.
VNG medics tackle 68W sustainment training
Feb. 7, 2023
The Fort Pickett-based Virginia Army National Guard Medical Command hosted combat medics from across the state for 68W sustainment training Jan. 22-28, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. 

Retired Brig. Gen. Walt Mercer, the Virginia Department of Military Affairs Chief Operations Officer, speaks to managers of DMA personnel during the DMA Supervisors Course Jan. 24, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. During the three-day course, uniformed and civilian supervisors of DMA state employees learn the ins and outs of managing and leading state employees. During the course, instructors from across DMA lead lessons focused on administrative policies and procedures, problem solving, communication and leadership.
Course helps DMA supervisors refine leadership skills
Feb. 6, 2023
Civilian and uniformed managers of Virginia Department of Military Affairs employees participated in the DMA Supervisors Course Jan. 24-26, 2023, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. 

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