Course: OCS
Course Scope: Purpose: a. To develop selected personnel to be Second Lieutenants in the Army of the United States, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard and to prepare them for the Basic Army Officer Leadership Course Training, Branch specific (BOLC-B). b. To produce adaptive officers with increased maturity, confidence and competence that share a common bond with their combined arms peers and are prepared to lead small units upon arrival at their first assignments. OCS seeks to develop in Candidates the leader attributes described in ADRP 6-22: Character, presence, and intellectual capacity. OCS accomplishes this task by focusing on both TR 350-6 Common Core Critical Task List (CCCTL) outcomes and the Army Learning Coordination Council (ALCC) General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) for Candidates that align with the 21st Century Soldier Competencies and Attributes described in The Army Learning Model: Character and Accountability, Professional Competence, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Adaptability and Initiative, Teamwork and Collaboration, Culture and Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) Competence, Communication & Engagement (oral, written, negotiation), Lifelong Learner (includes digital literacy), and Comprehensive Fitness. Scope: Introduction to Army Doctrine focusing on Leadership, Ethics, Squad and Platoon level tactics. The context and organization of the light Infantry Squad and Platoon provide the framework for learning how to integrate individual and collective tasks to accomplish assigned mission. The training culminates with a Field Leadership Excercise (FLX) utilizing Squad and Platoon size elements. Candidates must successfully complete Phase II to attend Phase III.
Course Outcomes for the Officer Candidate School:
a. Values and Ethics. Newly commissioned officer who knows and understands Army Values and begins to demonstrate them.
b. Leadership. Newly commissioned/appointed officer who demonstrates knowledge of core leadership attributes and competencies and who applies fundamentals of leadership with peers and in small units.
c. Army Profession. Understands and embraces the concept of being a member of the Profession of Arms, and the requirements of Army Profession and their oath of commission.
d. Personal Development. Understands responsibilities of an officer for self-development (physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional) outside the institutional and organizational domains.
e. Technical Competence. Possesses fundamental knowledge and understanding of basic military skills and Army management systems required of a junior officer.
f. Tactical Competence. Possesses basic military skills and demonstrates knowledge of the orders process and troop leading procedures while executing small unit tactics. Experiences an introduction to Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBD) and fundamentals of Unified Land Operations.