Adjutant General of Virginia
2024 Independence Day Message
Team Virginia,
We gather on the Fourth of July with family and friends to celebrate the birth of our nation and the heroism that won our freedom. Independence Day is another great opportunity to recognize the extraordinary members of the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force—both past and present.
The liberties that we enjoy today were hard won and have been preserved by the selfless service and sacrifice of so many Americans through the generations. Each of you are a part of this great tradition and we are grateful for your service, your families, and for the support of your communities, employers, and educators.
As we enjoy time with families and friends, we are constantly reminded that our Nation needs us. Global conflicts, extreme weather, and terrorism continue to threaten peace around the globe. You are critical to our Nation’s defense and you support resiliency within the Commonwealth. Enjoy this holiday to rest, recuperate, and celebrate. For those on deployment, thank you for your continued service over this holiday period.
Guard What You Love!
James W. Ring
Major General, Virginia National Guard
The Adjutant General
Kelly B. Reich
Command Chief Master Sergeant, U.S. Air Force
Command Senior Enlisted Leader