Virginia National Guard senior enlisted leaders prepare to travel via Jurmo-class landing craft to engage with the Joint Senior Noncommissioned Officer at the Finnish Naval Academy during a senior NCO exchange Aug. 19- 23, 2024 in Finland. Command Chief Master Sgt. Kelly B. Reich, the Virginia National Guard Senior Enlisted Leader, Command Sgt. Maj. Irving Reed Jr., the Virginia Army National Guard Command Sergeant Major, Chief Master Sgt. Ian Stegherr, Virginia Air National Guard State Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Sean Fretwell, 192nd Wing Command Chief and Senior Master Sgt. Justin Connor, 192nd Security Forces Senior Enlisted Leader, all participated in the exchange, where they met with a variety of senior enlisted leaders from the Finnish Defense Forces and collaborated on a plan for joint enlisted training and exercise and development for 2025 to 2027.
VNG senior enlisted leaders meet with Finnish counterparts
Sept. 11, 2024
Virginia National Guard senior enlisted leadership traveled to Finland Aug. 19- 23, 2024, to collaborate with members of the Finnish Defence Forces on a plan for joint enlisted training and exercise and development for 2025 to 2027.

Maj. Gen. Joseph A. Dinonno, commander of the 29th Infantry Division, lays a wreath along with a French dignitary at the National Guard Monument situated above Omaha Beach in Vierville-sur-Mer, France, June 2, 2024. This monument sits at the spot where National Guard Soldiers of the 29th Infantry Division broke through German defenses on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Commemorative events such as these serve to honor the sacrifices U.S. service members made 80 years ago in securing peace and security, and inspiring future generations to value a collective vision of global peace.
80th anniversary of D-Day observed abroad, at home
June 13, 2024
Virginia National Guard Soldiers paid tribute to the valor, fidelity and sacrifice of the U.S. and Allied Forces who participated in the June 1944 invasion of Normandy and commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day at multiple events on and around June 6, 2024, in France, Virginia and Louisiana.


Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to Joint Task Force–District of Columbia  (JTF-DC) assist with traffic control in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19, 2025, in support of the 60th Presidential Inauguration. Approximately 8,000 National Guard service members from approximately 40 states and territories comprise JTF-DC to support the 60th Presidential Inauguration, continuing a legacy that began in 1789 when their predecessors escorted George Washington to the first inauguration. At the request of civil authorities, these National Guard service members provide critical support such as crowd management, traffic control points, CBRN response, civil disturbance response and sustainment operations. Their expertise and seamless collaboration with interagency partners help ensure a safe and peaceful transition of power during this historic event. (U.S. Army National Guard Photo by Spc. Ericka Gillespie).
Virginia National Guard supports 60th Presidential Inauguration
Jan. 24, 2025
Approximately 250 Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team were part of the approximately 8,000 National Guard service members that came together to comprise Joint Task Force-District of Columbia in support of the 60th Presidential Inauguration Jan.18-21, 2025. National Guard members from approximately 40 states, territories and the District of Columbia supported the 60th Presidential Inauguration at the request of the Secret Service, U.S. Capitol and Metropolitan Police.

Pvt. Tariq Rahaman takes the oath of enlistment into the Virginia Army National Guard as a 35F intelligence analyst Jan. 14, 2025, during a ceremony held at the Virginia National Guard Sgt. Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. Rahaman became the first Virginia Army National Guard Soldier to enlist into the state’s newly-returned 29th Division Artillery. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)
Enlistment marks return of 29th DIVARTY
Jan. 24, 2025
After nearly two decades, the Virginia Army National Guard celebrated the return of the 29th Division Artillery with the enlistment of Pvt. Tariq Rahaman in a ceremony held Jan. 14, 2025, at the Virginia National Guard Sgt. Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. Col. Shawn Talmadge, commander of the new unit, administered Rahaman’s oath and spoke about the significance of the event.

Command Sgt. Maj. Timothy Hawley will succeed Command Sgt. Maj. Irving Reed Jr. as the Virginia Army National Guard State Command Sergeant Major effective Feb, 1, 2025, according to an announcement made Jan. 17 by Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia.
Hawley named new VaARNG senior enlisted leader
Jan. 23, 2025
Command Sgt. Maj. Timothy Hawley will succeed Command Sgt. Maj. Irving Reed Jr. as the Virginia Army National Guard State Command Sergeant Major effective Feb, 1, 2025, according to an announcement made Jan. 17 by Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division conduct an unmanned air systems exchange with the Republic of Tajikistan January 13-17, 2025, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The exchange was conducted in support of the Department of Defense‘s State Partnership Program, in which Virginia and Tajikistan have been partners since 2003.
29th ID Soldiers conduct UAS exchange in Tajikistan
Jan. 21, 2025
Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division conducted an unmanned air systems exchange with the Republic of Tajikistan Jan. 13-17, 2025, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Personnel at Blackstone Army Airfield conducted a quarterly pre-accident plan exercise Dec. 12, 2024, near Fort Barfoot, Virginia. The scenario simulated a Virginia National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter experiencing a serious engine issue, resulting in a hard landing, a large-scale fuel leak, and a mass casualty incident with more than five passengers and crew members injured. In addition to BAAF personnel and Virginia National Guard flight crews, first responders and personnel from Fort Barfoot, surrounding localities, and the Fort Barfoot-based Foreign Affairs Security Training Center participated. The exercise aimed to test the preparedness and coordination of key responders in the event of a serious incident at BAAF. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)
VNG tests response capabilities at Blackstone Army Airfield
Jan. 20, 2025
As a chill wind whipped across the Blackstone Army Airfield Dec. 12, 2024, the Flight Operations Center buzzed with anticipation. Radios and phones crackled to life as an expected call came through, from a Virginia National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter. The call was prefaced by “Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!,” then, the crew said they were coming in for a hard landing, that one of their engines was out and, with personnel on board, they’d need emergency services. This call, and the events it pushed into motion, was part of the Virginia National Guard’s quarterly exercise to test the organization’s aviation pre-and-post-accident plan.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin recognizes Virginia National Guard assets including aviators assigned to the Virginia Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team and Soldiers assigned to the Virginia Beach-based 529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 329th Regional Support Group during his State of the Commonwealth address Jan. 13, 2025, in Richmond, Virginia.
Governor recognizes VNG for rescues, deployments
Jan. 17, 2025
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin recognized Virginia National Guard assets including aviators assigned to the Virginia Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team and Soldiers assigned to the Virginia Beach-based 529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 329th Regional Support Group during his State of the Commonwealth address Jan. 13, 2025, in Richmond, Virginia. 

Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen support water bottle distribution efforts Jan. 10, 2025, at multiple locations in Richmond, Virginia, after a recent water outage. Approximately 30 Soldiers and Airmen are assisting with the commodity distribution efforts in the City of Richmond as directed by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Another 15 VNG Soldiers are supporting bulk water distribution efforts using Load Handling System Compatible Water Tank Racks, otherwise known as Hippos.
VNG provides water support to Richmond, stages for winter weather
Jan. 14, 2025
The Virginia National Guard mobilized approximately 55 personnel to provide water distribution support Jan. 10-11, 2025, to Richmond, Virginia, and also staged approximately 50 personnel to prepare for potential winter storm response at multiple locations across the state. 

Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team conduct an infantry exchange with Finnish Defense Forces Nov. 16 -24, 2024, in Finland. The exchange was conducted in support of the Department of Defense's State Partnership Program, in which Virginia and Finland have been formal partners since 2024.
Red Dragons conduct infantry exchange in Finland
Jan. 9, 2025
Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team conducted an infantry exchange with Finnish Defense Forces Nov. 16 - 24, 2024, in Finland. 

Lt. Col. Eric L. Quinn will succeed Col. James C. Shaver Jr. as the Fort Barfoot garrison commander according to an announcement made Jan. 2, 2025, by Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia. A change of command ceremony is scheduled for Feb. 1 at the Fort Barfoot Theater.
Quinn works full time for the Virginia National Guard as a military technician, and his current duty assignment is the Supply & Services Division chief for the G4 Logistics Directorate. He previously served three years as the officer in charge of the G6 Information Technology Directorate. Quinn also served as the surface maintenance manager and Fort Barfoot Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site superintendent, both in the G4.
Quinn announced as next Fort Barfoot garrison commander
Jan. 7, 2025
 Lt. Col. Eric L. Quinn will succeed Col. James C. Shaver Jr. as the Fort Barfoot garrison commander according to an announcement made Jan. 2, 2025, by Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia. A change of command ceremony is scheduled for Feb. 1 at the Fort Barfoot Theater.

Forty-four cadets graduate from Class 61 of the Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy Dec. 21, 2024, at Green Run High School in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Brig. Gen. Rusty McGuire, Assistant Adjutant General for Army Strategic Initiatives, retired Col. Everton Nevers, the Virginia Department of Military Affairs Chief of Staff, and United States Marine Corps Capt. Jergen “Cam” Campbell, a CCYA graduate and guest speaker for the ceremony, joined Jen Lanz, director of Commonwealth ChalleNGe, in congratulating each of the graduates. The Troutville-based 29th Infantry Division Band provided music for the event. Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy is the Virginia component of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program and is based at the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach. ChalleNGe is a 17-and-a-half-month program that is structured in a military-style environment designed to promote academics, attention to detail, time management, and leadership, while promoting self-esteem, confidence and pride. (U.S. National Guard photo by A.J. Coyne)
ChalleNGe Class 61 graduates 44 cadets
Jan. 7, 2025
Forty-four cadets graduated from Class 61 of the Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy Dec. 21, 2024, at Green Run High School in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Brig. Gen. Rusty McGuire, Assistant Adjutant General for Army Strategic Initiatives, retired Col. Everton Nevers, the Virginia Department of Military Affairs Chief of Staff, and United States Marine Corps Capt. Jergen “Cam” Campbell, a CCYA graduate and guest speaker for the ceremony, joined Jen Lanz, director of Commonwealth ChalleNGe, in congratulating each of the graduates.




The Virginia National Guard is a unique dual-status force with a federal mission to provide a combat reserve for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force to fight our nation’s wars and a state mission to provide a response force that answers the call of the Governor to defend the commonwealth. The VNG traces the history and tradition of Citizen-Soldier service to the founding of Jamestown in 1607, and there has been a military presence defending Virginia ever since. For more information on the Virginia National Guard click HERE.


  • Virginia National Guard Reporting sexual assault line - 434-294-4669
  • DoD Safe Helpline - 877-995-5247/ 202-470-5546 (Oconus)


Readiness and Resiliency Information Resource Page provides resources and education to all Soldiers, Airmen, Virginia Defense Force personnel, family members and civilian employees to promote readiness, well-being, resilience and suicide prevention. The end state is a healthy organization that is resilient, knowledgeable regarding high risk behaviors, educated on stress reduction measures and aware of available service member, family and employee support network resources.

