Building Strong & Ready Teams (BSRT) is a command-directed, chaplain-led, community-partnered approach that strengthens spiritual readiness for Soldiers of all ranks and their Families. BSRT is one of many Unit Ministry Team (UMT) activities that supports the local Commander’s Religious Support Plan with training that bolsters spiritual readiness and holistic health.

Program Objectives
BSRT’s main objective is to increase Soldier and Family holistic health by:
• Strengthening Soldier and Family structure through evidence-based relationship training
• Improving quality of life by providing skills necessary to endure adversity
• Building spiritual readiness and moral strength for better decision making, leading to healthy behavioral outcomes
• Enriching spiritual character to develop self-value and identity
• Ensuring the “free exercise of religion” for all Soldiers and Families

Have Questions or Require More Information about BSRT?
CH (MAJ) Will Cochrane, Chaplain

BSRT events

  • Unit level BSRT events
    • 529th CSSB (JAN 2024)
    • VAARNG UMT Chaplain Corps J-CAST (APR 2024)
    • Alpha Company, RRBN (MAY 2024).
    • Charlie Company, RRBN (MAY 2024)


Virginia National Guard Soldiers and their family members enjoy a Building Strong and Ready Teams training June 21-23, 2024, in Williamsburg, Virginia. This event was conducted for Soldiers and family members of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division headquarters and the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. BSRT is a command-directed, chaplain-led, community-partnered effort that strengthens spiritual readiness for Soldiers of all ranks and their families. The goal of the program is to enrich Soldiers’ marriages in order to build strong and ready teams.
BSRT event reconnects military couples
July 16, 2024
The Virginia Army National Guard Chaplain Corps conducted a Building Strong and Ready Teams training June 21-23, 2024, in Williamsburg, Virginia. This event was conducted for Soldiers and family members of the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division headquarters and the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.

More than 40 chaplains and religious affairs specialists from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force came together for a two-day Joint Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training event April 13-14, 2024 at the Virginia National Guard’s Sergeant Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. The theme for this year’s training was “Spiritually Ready and Professionally Equipped”, with the goal being to give chaplains ways to bolster their own spirituality and inner fire for the important work they do, while also embracing new and changing approaches to that work. Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia, opened the event with remarks to those assembled. Ring stressed the critical role fulfilled by the religious support teams throughout the VNG and VDF. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Marc Heaton)
VNG Chaplains gather for joint sustainment training
April 15, 2024
More than 40 chaplains and religious affairs specialists personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard, and the Virginia Defense Force came together for a two-day Joint Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training event April 13-14, 2024, at the Virginia National Guard’s Sergeant Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia.

The Virginia Army National Guard Chaplain Corps conducts its first Building Strong and Ready Teams training Jan. 18, 2024, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. This event was conducted for members of the Virginia Beach- based Headquarters Company, 529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 329th Regional Support Group, which is scheduled to deploy to Poland later this month.
Building Strong and Ready Teams training aids 529th Soldiers prior to deployment
Jan. 26, 2024
The Virginia Army National Guard Chaplain Corps conducted its first Building Strong and Ready Teams training Jan. 18, 2024, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. This event was conducted for members of the Virginia Beach- based Headquarters Company, 529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 329th Regional Support Group, which is scheduled to deploy to Poland later this month.