Fort Barfoot Lodging
Welcome to Fort Barfoot Lodging. It is our pleasure to welcome you as our guest and wish you a pleasant stay. We value your patronage and hope that your visit will be a comfortable and enjoyable one. We strive to provide our guests with the highest degree of professional and personalized service, in a clean and secure beautiful ocean setting.
We welcome all suggestions for improvement of the facilities in our effort to provide a more pleasurable stay. We invite you to complete a short questionnaire which are located at the front desk of the billeting office. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the billeting staff listed below should you need assistance.
AFTER HOURS Check-Ins’ can pick-up their keys at the Key Box in front of the billeting office.
* Daily rental rates are the same all year.
* Maximum length of a reservation is 179 consecutive days.
* All rentals for unofficial use will occur a surcharge.
Rooms/Houses/Cottages -Unofficial Use
ALL RESERVATION PAYMENTS: To make a reservation, you must provide the lodging office your valid credit card, with expiration date and security code to have your reservation confirmed. Your credit card will not be charged until check-in. Note: If your keys are going to the key box for after hour check-in, then your credit card will be charged before the keys are delivered. If the credit card on file is declined, the keys WILL NOT be placed in the key box. Please ensure your credit card information is accurate and up to date at the time you make a reservation. If you have more than one credit card on file, ensure lodging knows which card to charge. If you are paying in cash, ensure we know not to charge your credit card. Payments are due upon arrival. Payments may be made with money order, cash, or credit card. We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Sorry, no personal checks. Money order must be paid to the order of the Treasurer of Virginia.
Check-In / Check-Out Process
Check-in begins at 1400 / Check-out time is by 1000.
Check-In: You will check-in at the Lodging Office, building 469, located on Military Road. A valid ID is required at the time of check-in. The front desk clerk will request your ID card. After you have been checked into the Hotel System, you will be given a computer-generated registration form. Please review the information provided on the form, ensuring it is correct. Once you sign the form acknowledging everything is correct and that you have read and understand the policies and regulations of the Post, you will be given your keys.
Please make sure after you have checked into your unit that you inspect it and inform the lodging office of any issues with the unit right away.
Check-Out: Check-out is prior to 1000 hours on the date of departure. Please have all personal belongings packed and ensure all guests have completely vacated the unit prior too checking out through the lodging office. Guests remaining after 1000 hours and/or do not clear the unit properly are subject to late checkout fees and/or improper clearing of the unit. Lodging staff, if available, will inspect rooms/houses/cottages/apartments at checkout. If lodging staff is not available at checkout, the inspection will be conducted as soon as possible after checkout. If any discrepancies are noted, pictures will be taken and sent to the guest via email. The lodging manager will call the guest to discuss lodging concerns and any necessary restitution.
CLEARING a unit consists of:
• Returned sheets/pillowcases, bathmats, dish clothes, and dish towels (if applicable) to the lodging office.
• Remove all trash from the unit and dispose of it in the dumpsters on Post.
• Make sure the temperature of the AC is set at 75 and Heat is set at 68.
• Remove and dispose of all food from the unit (refrigerator, cabinets, etc.).
• Dispose of grease and / or food properly (in dumpster). Please do not dispose of these items by putting them down the drains.
• Dispose of any wood or coals properly and remove grill.
Damages: All damage is based on the cost of repairing/replacing, labor, and admin processing fee. A lost key cost replacement is $25 per key.
Pet Policy: No pets of any kind are permitted on FORT BARFOOT. Exception: Working dogs and/or service dogs, (not emotional support dog) are permitted on the FORT BARFOOT. Working dogs must be crated in the buildings and service dogs are not permitted on any of the furniture. The lodging office MUST be advised if a working dog and/or service dog is being brought on FORT BARFOOT, as a notification must be sent to Security for proper access. A $50 cleaning fee will be charge for all service dogs that have been approved through the Fort Barfoot lodging office. Any unauthorized pet, including working / service animals that have not been approved, are reported on Post, and found in a unit being rented, the guest of that unit will be charged a $150 pet cleaning fee, in addition to the standard cleaning fee, and the guest will be required to immediately checkout of the unit without a refund.
FORT BARFOOT IS A TRAINING POST. There are open training fields, wooded areas and a freshwater lake. On occasions, certain areas of the Post will be closed to support a training mission. Lodging guests/visitors must accommodate any such training accordingly.
FORT BARFOOT ACCESS. Lodging reservations only provide our guests a reason to request access to Fort Barfoot. Access to Fort Barfoot is controlled by Fort Barfoot policies which are enforced through the Security Department. Basically, you must have a need to gain access, have proper pictured ID (includes all people in the vehicle), valid inspection sticker, vehicle tags, registration, and auto insurance. IF you have visitors that will join you on FORT BARFOOT, you will need to provide the Security Department, in writing, your name, unit # that you are renting, names of all visitors, dates visitors will be with you. We recommend that you provide the document prior to your visitor’s arrival to ensure access. Please note, YOU are responsible / accountable for your visitors during the time spent on FORT BARFOOT. If you have questions concerning access to Fort Barfoot, please contact Main Gate Security at 757-491-5144 or Fort Barfoot Headquarter 757-493-3148. If your visitors are to stay overnight, be mindful of the rental property’s sleeping capacity and inform the lodging office of the additional guest at 757-493-3125.
OPEN FIRES are NOT ALLOWED on Fort Barfoot.
GRILLS are only permitted at appropriate units/buildings. A cleaning/repair fee will be charged for any required cleaning of stains / repair of burn marks, etc. All grills must be cleaned prior to checkout or a disposal fee of $100 we be charged to the credit card on file.
NO SMOKING in any unit / building or within 50 feet of a unit / building on Fort Barfoot in accordance with DOD Regulations.
NO LITTERING, clean your areas and strive to leave them cleaner than you found them. There are numerous dumpsters located throughout Fort Barfoot.
DO NOT MOVE LODGING PROPERTIES from their assigned building/room/unit. Property and equipment are assigned to rooms by serial number and are not to be switched, including outdoor furnishing. Furniture will not be rearranged within a room, building, apartment, or cottage! If furniture is found moved / rearranged, there will be a fee charged to the individual’s card on file to relocate and lodging privileges may be revoked.
WI-FI connectivity is provided for ALL lodging units. If you require dependable WI-FI connectivity we recommend you bring your own hot-spot device.
Marijuana possession and or use of marijuana is NOT AUTHORIZED and is PROHIBITED on Fort Barfoot. Please understand that you are responsible for your dependents and or guest. Violation can result in loss of access to Fort Barfoot and the Lodging Programs. (IAW Prohibited Substance Policy 6Aug23).
Electrical Vehicles. Fort Barfoot does provide electrical charging station for ANY electrically powered vehicle at building 309. (IAW Fort Barfoot Electric Vehicle Charging Policy 9Aug23).
PARKING for Recreational Vehicles (RV) / Traveler Trailers (TT) / Boats/Trailers. The Lodging Programs at Fort Barfoot does not offer our guests designed parking for RVs, TTs and Boats, excluding boats less than 17’ with electric motor that are authorized for use in Lake Christine. Parking and storage for all other RVs, TTs, Boats/Trailers must be arranged with Fort Barfoot Headquarters PRIOR to arrival.
INCLEMENT WEATHER (Hurricane & Snowstorm). When a hurricane, or snowstorm is impending to affect the area, all unofficial guests are required to checkout and seek safe lodging elsewhere. All arriving unofficial guests will have their reservations arrival date modified or reservations cancelled. All official guests are not required to checkout, but we recommend that you do so. Please know that lodging staff will not be available, basic services to your lodging may not be available for an unknown period. Our guest’s safety must always be first, and the lodging programs are not capable of supporting our guests during this type of weather. Please note, the Post Commander can close or evacuate Fort Barfoot at any time, if so, that direction will supersede the lodging programs guidance, and ALL guests will be required to checkout and leave Fort Barfoot and/or follow the direction issued by the Post Commander.