Adjutant General of Virginia
2023 Independence Day Message
Virginia National Guard Team:
As we gather to celebrate the Fourth of July and the birth of our great nation, it is also a time to pay tribute to the valiant men and women who have served and continue to serve in the Virginia National Guard and Virginia Defense Force, as well as our brothers and sisters in the Active and Reserve Components. It is truly a team effort to protect and secure the freedoms we cherish.
As we enjoy the holiday weekend, we should remember our fellow service members who are serving across the globe and away from their loved ones. After two years of historic federal mobilizations here at home and overseas, we are fortunate to have the preponderance of our Virginia Army and Air National Guard units home.
The National Guard has played a pivotal role in upholding the values and principles that define us as Americans, and we have been steadfast defenders of our liberties since the Revolutionary War.
It is hard to imagine the adversity experienced by the brave citizens who took up arms to fight for our independence, but their patriotism, sacrifice and unwavering dedication ensured the birth of a nation founded on the principles of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Now men and women in uniform carry on that legacy and stand as a beacon of hope to safeguard those hard fought rights and liberties for all peoples.
My thanks to each and every one of you for your service, as well as the service of your families and the support of your employers which is so critical to the success of our mission.
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
Guard what you love!
Maj. Gen. James W. Ring
29th Adjutant General of Virginia