Adjutant General of Virginia
2024 Memorial Day Message
Team Virginia,
As our Nation and Commonwealth pause to celebrate Memorial Day, let us reflect on the generations that came before us, who served and sacrificed to gain and protect the freedoms we enjoy: Life – Liberty – Peace – Justice – Prosperity – Tranquility.
It is the generational service and sacrifice of men and women in uniform, who served, not on behalf of themselves, but who served and gave their lives for the freedom others, that we enjoy peace and liberty.
So, on this Memorial Day, let us pause and give thanks for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we so readily enjoy. Let us keep their family and loved ones in our perpetual thoughts and prayers.
For the Virginia National Guard community, we are blessed to be in continued service to our Commonwealth and Nation. Thank you for your service and, for those not on deployment, enjoy the time with your family and loved ones this holiday weekend. For those deployed and for us in dwell, continue to Guard what you Love!
James W. Ring
Major General, Virginia National Guard
The Adjutant General
Kelly B. Reich
Command Chief Master Sergeant, U.S. Air Force
Command Senior Enlisted Leader