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Service Members can apply for State Tuition Assistance benefits at:
This website will hold your account for the duration of your time in the Virginia National Guard and the dashboard will allow you to track your state tuition assistance progress.
SM will establish an account using your DoD ID number from your Common Access Card (CAC) or your military ID, along with basic personal information, to include your Pay Entry Basic Date (PEBD) or Pay Date for Air Guard. After you have been verified by the State Education office as being eligible for assistance, you will be able to submit your Requests/ Applications on-line. A new Request/ Application submission is required for each semester you wish to apply for the State Tuition Assistance. Document Instruction packet is automatically emailed to the SM upon successful submission.
Service Member is to submit the required State TA documents each semester by the given due dates in the instruction packet.
Semester registration window dates are posted on the website's homepage for each semester: Fall, Spring and Summer. Current Code of Virginia maximum TUITION ONLY limit for reimbursement is UP TO $10,000/semester and UP TO $20,000/ Fiscal Year.
Please direct all questions to the State Education Office: Cynthia Gregg at 434-298-5833 or VANG State Education Services Coordinator and/ or Ms. Jordan Fisher at 434-298- 5975 or State Education Coordinator Assistant/ Accounts Receivable.
The Tuition Assistance (TA) Program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a Soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. TA may not be used for a lower of the lateral degree program from the one the Soldier currently possesses. TA is not authorized for programs of study beyond a Master’s Degree. Soldiers may use TA to earn one degree at each level through the master’s level for a combined total of up to 130 SH at the undergraduate level (associate and bachelor’s), 39 SH for a master’s degree, and 21 SH for an academic certificate/diploma (undergraduate or graduate level) All eligible Soldiers will request TA through ArmyIgnitED. Annual FTA maximum is up to $250 per semester hour not to exceed $4,500 or 18 semester hours per Fiscal Year (FY).
To apply for Federal Tuition Assistance benefits Service Members can go to . A CAC is REQUIRED for login. The TA application deadline is exactly 7 days prior to the start date of classes. First time Soldiers will select “Create an Ed Goal” to sign up for classes, complete Career Path Decide, review the ArmyIgnitED 101 training, and submit a Statement of Understanding.
Annual FTA Maximum of 18 semester hours per Fiscal Year up to $250 per semester hour. Soldiers may use TA to earn one or more degrees through the master’s level for a combined total of up to 130 SH at the undergraduate level (associate and bachelor’s), 39 SH for a master’s degree, and 21 SH for an academic certificate/diploma (undergraduate or graduate level).
Soldiers must maintain an Army GPA of 2.0 for undergraduate and 3.0 for graduate or higher when using TA.
Contact the Education Service Specialist via email at for more information about Federal Tuition Assistance and/or ArmyIgnitED.