Virginia Defense Force

Visit the official Virginia Defense Force web site at The Virginia Defense Force is authorized by Section 44-54.4 of the Code of Virginia as the all-volunteer reserve of the Virginia National Guard, and the VDF serves as a force multiplier integrated into all VNG domestic operations. Members of the VDF volunteer their time for training and community support and are only paid when called to state active duty by an authorization from the Governor of Virginia. The VDF’s primary lines of effort are operations center augmentation, interoperable communication, agency liaison and cyber network defense as well as direct support to the VNG with logistics, medical, chaplain, legal and public information capabilities. Current strength is approximately 275, and membership is a cross section of former or retired military, law enforcement, fire and emergency medial services professionals along with a younger generation of Virginians looking to serve the commonwealth in a military-style organization in an emergency response environment. Recent VDF Missions: When the VNG was called to state active duty for a series of winter weather events in January 2022, the VDF quickly responded with operations center augmentation and public information support as well as fielding a logistics distribution capability for the first time. In addition to the VDF placing a highly experienced logistics planner in the VNG’s joint Logistics Operations Center, the distribution team safely travel hundreds of miles to get key supplies and equipment to VNG units staging for possible winter weather response. During VNG domestic response operations in 2021, VDF personnel  augmented the VNG’s Joint Operations Center as well as their coordination cell in the Virginia Emergency Operations Center. The VDF’s 31st Cyber Battalion is staffed by IT professionals with a wide range of industry-recognized certifications. After validation by the VNG’s 91st Cyber Brigade, VDF cyber teams have conducted numerous network vulnerability assessments for Virginia localities. During Virginia’s COVID-19 response, Virginia Defense Force personnel contributed significantly to the operation of the Commonwealth of Virginia Incident Management Team. They served in key leadership positions, supported the Virginia Department of Health and Virginia Department of Emergency Management’s vaccination efforts, helped track vetting and certification of fixed community vaccination sites, developed survey tools for initial site assessments and collected data to assess vaccination sites. VDF and VNG personnel filled positions in the regional coordination center for each Virginia Department of Emergency Management region, helping to ensure the efficient and productive coordination of the statewide mobile vaccination effort. VDF personnel supported the Situational Awareness Unit at the Virginia Department of Emergency Management in a state active duty status for more than 500 days during the COVID-19 response. All VDF personnel maintain the secondary skill set for access control and traffic management, and VDF personnel have demonstrated their commitment to volunteer service when they provided assistance to VNG departure ceremonies as well as events at the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford and the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond. Brief history of the VDF: In response to the 1917 federalization of the Virginia National Guard, the Commonwealth of Virginia created the Virginia State Volunteers to support civil authorities. They were renamed the Virginia Volunteers and guarded bridges, waterways, fuel storage areas and public buildings and facilities. The Virginia Volunteers were deactivated in 1921 when the Virginia National Guard returned home from World War I. Following the 1940 Nazi defeat of the French army, Virginia Governor James Hubert Price ordered the establishment of the Virginia Protective Force, which assumed the in-state missions of the Virginia National Guard after it was called to federal service. In 1944, the Virginia General Assembly changed the name of the Virginia Protective Force to the Virginia State Guard, and it was deactivated when the Virginia National Guard returned from federal service in June 1947. The Virginia General Assembly amended the Code of Virginia in 1981 to permit a Virginia State Guard to once again exist during peacetime, and organizational meetings continued for several years. The Virginia State Guard State Headquarters was formally established on April 18, 1984, which is considered the founding date of the modern Virginia Defense Force. The Virginia General Assembly amended the Code of Virginia on March 1, 1986, to change the name of the Virginia State Guard to the Virginia Defense Force.

Virginia Defense Force News

Virginia National Guard Soldiers assist with commodity distribution Feb. 18, 2025, in Southwest Virginia. Soldiers deployed to the area to assist local emergency managers supporting citizens impacted by severe weather and power outages.
VNG wraps up support to Southwest Virginia
Feb. 26, 2025
Virginia National Guard Soldiers ended their missions in Southwest Virginia Feb. 23, 2025, after deploying to the area Feb. 14 to assist local emergency managers supporting citizens impacted by severe weather and power outages.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen support water bottle distribution efforts Jan. 10, 2025, at multiple locations in Richmond, Virginia, after a recent water outage. Approximately 30 Soldiers and Airmen are assisting with the commodity distribution efforts in the City of Richmond as directed by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. Another 15 VNG Soldiers are supporting bulk water distribution efforts using Load Handling System Compatible Water Tank Racks, otherwise known as Hippos.
VNG provides water support to Richmond, stages for winter weather
Jan. 14, 2025
The Virginia National Guard mobilized approximately 55 personnel to provide water distribution support Jan. 10-11, 2025, to Richmond, Virginia, and also staged approximately 50 personnel to prepare for potential winter storm response at multiple locations across the state. 

Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team prepare for possible winter weather response operations Jan. 5, 2025, in Warrenton, Virginia. The VNG is staging approximately 70 Soldiers at VNG facilities at key locations along the I-95 and Route 29 corridors and Southwest Virginia in order to support the response to winter weather expected to impact Virginia. VNG troops are organized in chain saw teams capable of reducing debris to help clear roads and power line routes, and troops will also have heavy duty tactical trucks capable of traveling through deep snow.
VNG staged, ready for possible winter weather response operations
Jan. 5, 2025
The Virginia National Guard has staged approximately 70 Soldiers Jan. 5, 2024, at VNG facilities at key locations along the I-95 and Route 29 corridors and Southwest Virginia in order to support the response to severe winter weather expected to impact Virginia.

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Craig Crenshaw, Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, visits members of the Virginia Defense Force during a multi-unit training assembly Nov. 2, 2024, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. Crenshaw learned more about the organization and thanked the VDF personnel for volunteering their time to conduct training. After meeting with members of the VDF Headquarters staff, the VDF’s 31st Cyber Battalion provided Crenshaw with an information brief. He also presented the Virginia Bronze Star to Chief Warrant Officer 3 (Va.) James Schmidt and Cpl. (Va.) Douglas Rumburg in recognition for their efforts in building the VDF’s communications capabilities.
Secretary Crenshaw visits VDF during busy training weekend at Fort Barfoot
Nov. 24, 2024
Retired U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Craig Crenshaw, Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs, visited members of the Virginia Defense Force during a multi-unit training assembly Nov. 2, 2024, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. Crenshaw learned more about the organization and thanked the VDF personnel for volunteering their time to conduct training.

Command Sgt. Maj. (Va.) Christopher Howlett will serve as the new senior enlisted leader for the Virginia Defense Force, according to an announcement made Nov. 4, 2024, by Brig. Gen. (Va.) Rich Diddams, Commander of the Virginia Defense Force. Howlett succeeds Command Sgt. Maj. (Va.) Christopher Frederick Sr.
Howlett announced as new Virginia Defense Force senior enlisted leader
Nov. 6, 2024
Command Sgt. Maj. (Va.) Christopher Howlett will serve as the new senior enlisted leader for the Virginia Defense Force, according to an announcement made Nov. 4, 2024, by Brig. Gen. (Va.) Rich Diddams, Commander of the Virginia Defense Force. Howlett succeeds Command Sgt. Maj. (Va.) Christopher Frederick Sr.

Virginia National Guard Black Hawk helicopter crews and Chesterfield County Fire and Emergency Medical Services Scuba Rescue Team members conduct hoist operations rescuing six citizens Sept. 27 and 28, 2024, in the Abingdon area. The VNG aviators and Chesterfield first responders form the Virginia Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team, providing rotary wing aviation hoist capabilities and aerial rescue evacuation. They also conducted route and area search and rescue flights and transported a ground rescue team.
Virginia National Guard continues support after Hurricane Helene
Oct. 4, 2024
The Virginia National Guard continues to support response efforts after Hurricane Helene with troops staged Oct. 4, 2024, in Abingdon, Virginia. Approximately 20 Soldiers with tactical trucks remain on duty with the ability to conduct transportation, debris reduction and commodity distribution missions.

Approximately 20 Virginia National Guard 20 Soldiers are staged and ready with tactical trucks capable of high water transportation Sept. 26, 2024, in Abingdon, Virginia, in order to support the response to potential impacts of Hurricane Helene.
VNG staged, ready in Abingdon, Roanoke for possible severe weather response operations
Sept. 27, 2024
The Virginia National Guard staged approximately 20 Soldiers with tactical trucks capable of high mobility transportation Sept. 26, 2024, in the Abingdon area in order to support the response to potential impacts of Hurricane Helene. The VNG also staged two Black Hawk helicopters with transport, damage assessment and rescue hoist capabilities in the Roanoke area.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers prepare for possible severe weather response operations related to Tropical Storm Debby Aug. 8, 2024, in Danville, Virginia. The VNG staged Soldiers with tactical trucks capable of high water transportation at VNG facilities in Lynchburg, Danville and Petersburg, and the personnel will be ready conduct missions Thursday morning. VNG troops will also have chain saw teams to conduct debris reduction operations, and helicopter rescue hoist capabilities are also on standby.
VNG stages for possible severe weather response operations
Aug. 8, 2024
The Virginia National Guard staged Soldiers with tactical trucks capable of high-water transportation Aug. 8, 2024, at VNG facilities in Lynchburg, Danville and Petersburg in order to support the response to impacts of Tropical Storm Debby.

More than 40 chaplains and religious affairs specialists from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard and the Virginia Defense Force came together for a two-day Joint Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training event April 13-14, 2024 at the Virginia National Guard’s Sergeant Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia. The theme for this year’s training was “Spiritually Ready and Professionally Equipped”, with the goal being to give chaplains ways to bolster their own spirituality and inner fire for the important work they do, while also embracing new and changing approaches to that work. Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia, opened the event with remarks to those assembled. Ring stressed the critical role fulfilled by the religious support teams throughout the VNG and VDF. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Marc Heaton)
VNG Chaplains gather for joint sustainment training
April 15, 2024
More than 40 chaplains and religious affairs specialists personnel from the Virginia Army National Guard, Virginia Air National Guard, and the Virginia Defense Force came together for a two-day Joint Chaplain Annual Sustainment Training event April 13-14, 2024, at the Virginia National Guard’s Sergeant Bob Slaughter Headquarters at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Portsmouth-based 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team continue building extreme cold weather skills in advance of Exercise Arctic Forge 23 Feb. 19-20, 2023, in Sydonkyla, Finland. Exercise Arctic Forge 23 is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led umbrella exercise that leverages the host-nation exercises Defense Exercise North in Finland, and exercise Joint Viking in Norway, taking place Feb. 16 through March 17, 2023, focused on building capabilities and cooperation in support of the U.S. Army's Arctic Strategy.
Virginia National Guard 2023 Year in Review
Dec. 18, 2023
The Virginia National Guard had another busy year in 2023 balancing the demands of both its state and federal missions.

The Virginia War Memorial Veterans Day Ceremony honors those who have served and are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces Nov. 10, 2023, at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Virginia. Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia, delivered remarks during the ceremony, Sgt. 1st Class Tramel C. Hines, a Virginia National Guard Soldier assigned to Joint Force Headquarters, led the pledge of allegiance, and the Troutville-based 29th Infantry Division Band provided ceremonial music. Members of the Virginia Defense Force volunteered their time to provide access control assistance for the event. (U.S. National Guard photo by A.J. Coyne)
Veterans honored at Va. War Memorial Veterans Day ceremony
Nov. 15, 2023
The Virginia War Memorial Veterans Day Ceremony honored those who have served and are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces Nov. 10, 2023, at the Virginia War Memorial in Richmond, Virginia. Maj. Gen. James W. Ring, the Adjutant General of Virginia, delivered remarks during the ceremony. Sgt. 1st Class Tramel C. Hines, a Virginia National Guard Soldier assigned to Joint Force Headquarters, led the pledge of allegiance. The Troutville-based 29th Infantry Division Band provided ceremonial music for the event. In addition, members of the Virginia Defense Force volunteered their time to provide access control assistance.

Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen conduct the field day exercise portion of S-130 Wildland Firefighter Training with the Virginia Department of Forestry Nov. 12, 2023, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. They received their personal protective equipment during the exercise, and the training stressed safety and also focused on basic tools, familiarization with bulldozers and engines, fireline construction and proper fire shelter use. Once their training is complete, the troops will deploy where needed by DOF for ground support. Brig. Gen. Todd Hubbard, the VNG Director of the Joint Staff, visited the troops to observe their training and thank them for supporting the mission.
VNG ends aerial fire suppression missions, starts training ground crews
Nov. 13, 2023
The Virginia National Guard demobilized the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters providing aerial fire suppression support to the Virginia Department of Forestry and began training Soldiers and Airmen for possible ground firefighting support Nov. 11, 2023, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia.

The Virginia National Guard has staged approximately 35 Soldiers with tactical trucks capable of high water transportation Sept. 23, 2023, at VNG facilities in the Hampton Roads area in order to support the response to impacts of Tropical Storm Ophelia. The personnel are ready to conduct missions and will link up with local emergency managers to provide assistance if needed. VNG troops will also have chain saw teams to conduct debris reduction operations.
VNG staged, ready in Hampton Roads area for possible severe weather response operations
Sept. 23, 2023
The Virginia National Guard has staged approximately 35 Soldiers with tactical trucks capable of high water transportation Sept. 23, 2023, at VNG facilities in the Hampton Roads area in order to support the response to impacts of Tropical Storm Ophelia.

Second Lt. (Va.) James Thompson, a VDF chaplain, and Maj. Dan Finley, the command chaplain for the Fort Barfoot-based 134th Chaplain Support Team, pose for a photo after Thompson led a chapel service Aug. 27, 2023, at Fort Barfoot’s Bulla Chapel. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Jeff Clements)
Virginia Defense Force chaplains support Bulla Chapel at Fort Barfoot
Aug. 29, 2023
Virginia Defense Force chaplains volunteered their time during the 2023 summer annual training season to conduct Sunday services at the Maneuver Training Center Fort Barfoot Bulla Chapel in order to provide religious support to Soldiers conducting training on the installation.

Caption: Capt. (Va.) David Kruse provides a block of instruction to Virginia Army National Guard Soldiers attending the 68W combat medic recertification course Aug. 6, 2023, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia. (Courtesy photo)
VDF Medical Services support VaARNG medic recertification
Aug. 17, 2023
Members of the Virginia Defense Force assigned to the Medical Services Section, Support Operations Group assisted with instruction at the Virginia Army National Guard 68W combat medic recertification course Aug. 5-10, 2023, at Fort Barfoot, Virginia.