Office of the Inspector General – Inspections
According to AR 20-1 para 5-1a.
“Inspections as an inspector general function. The IG inspections function is the primary IG function and the one that allows IGs to have the greatest impact on readiness and warfighting capability throughout the Army. The primary purpose of all IG inspections is to resolve systemic issues throughout the Army and, in doing so, to evaluate the effectiveness of Army policies, determine the root causes of noncompliance, and recommend changes to policy proponents. IG support sustainable readiness by providing commanders with a unique capability to address malfunctioning systems, programs, and functions within the command. However, high operational tempo and deployment demands may mean that IGs must temporarily shift the primary purpose of their inspections to more compliance-based readiness assessments of individual organizations (see subparagraph 5–1e, below, for the types of inspections IGs can conduct). Overall, the inspections function entails conducting IG inspections, developing and implementing IG inspection programs, checking intelligence activities for policy compliance, and assisting the commander in maintaining a viable OIP. All IG inspections will adhere to the Army inspection principles outlined in AR 1–201.”
Office of the Inspector General – Intel Oversights
Intelligence Oversight Inspections
According to AR 20-1 para 5-3a-b.
“a. The intelligence oversight role. All IGs throughout the Army will conduct intelligence oversight inspections of intelligence components and activities conducting foreign intelligence (to include any intelligence disciplines) or counterintelligence within their commands. Intelligence oversight inspections are a requirement for all IGs, and these inspections will be part of the IG inspection program within the command’s OIP. Because a command’s OIP consists of a variety of inspections, including external inspections, the command IG may accomplish the IO inspection by participating in or conducting a joint inspection with another element, as long as the IG is able to fulfill the requirements of this regulation and AR 381–10, such as determining if intelligence elements are conducting activities in compliance with policies, ascertaining whether any other elements of the command not specifically identified as an Army intelligence element are con-ducting intelligence activities, evaluating leadership awareness of IO and intelligence authorities, ensuring there is a process for reporting questionable intelligence activities, providing advice to the commander and IO officer, and providing IO program execution feedback and recommendations to TIG via DAIG’s Intelligence Oversight Division (SAIG–IO). This section, used with AR 381–10, DODD 5148.13, DODM 5240.01, and Executive Order 12333 as amended, provides guidance for the conduct of intelligence oversight inspections. The Intelligence Oversight Guide, available from TIGS’s website at, outlines the doctrine for conducting intelligence oversight inspections. This guide also includes the Army G-2’s checklist for intelligence oversight inspections.
b. The purpose of intelligence oversight inspections. Intelligence oversight is the responsibility of intelligence components or those activities that undertake intelligence activities. The purpose of IG intelligence oversight inspections is to provide oversight and verify that intelligence components and activities are complying with appropriate laws, executive orders, and policy with an emphasis on ensuring that these components and activities perform their authorized intelligence functions in a manner that protects the constitutional rights of U.S. persons.”
Intel Oversight reports are due to the IO Officer (DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL-ARMY) on the first day of each quarter.
1st Quarter
1 October 20xx
2nd Quarter
1 January 20xx
3rd Quarter
1 April 20xx
4th Quarter
1 July 20xx
Intel Oversight Folder on VKO (CAC Login Required)