Category: 2-183rd Cavalry Squadron

Saber Soldiers conduct route reconnaissance training
February 17, 2025
Saber Soldiers conduct route reconnaissance training

116th Infantry Regiment holds 55th Annual Muster on Veterans Day
November 29, 2023
Soldiers holding awards

Va. National Guard troops depart for Texas border support mission
July 8, 2023
Va. National Guard troops depart for Texas

Saber Soldiers participate in Arctic Forge exercise in Finland
April 13, 2023
Saber Soldiers participate in Arctic Forge exercise in Finland

Task Force Red Dragon Soldiers recognized for federal active duty in Africa
January 25, 2023
Task Force Red Dragon Soldiers recognized for federal active duty in Africa

Governor commends VNG, families after year busy with mobilizations
December 7, 2022
Governor commends VNG, families after year busy with mobilizations

VNG celebrates 18 new OCS graduates
October 14, 2022
Eighteen officer candidates enrolled in the Virginia Army National Guard’s Officer Candidate School traditional and accelerated program celebrate their OCS graduation Sept. 18, 2022 at a ceremony held at Fort Pickett’s 183rdRegiment, Regional Training Institute in front of family, friends, fellow Soldiers and leaders. The graduation included candidates from OCS Class 64, as well as 65A and 65B. Retired Col. Fred Bolton served as the guest speaker for the event and Lt. Col. Eric Quinn administered the oath of office to the new lieutenants. The Troutville-based 29th Division Band provided ceremonial music for the occasion. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Lisa M. Sadler)

Virginia National Guard installation, brigade and battalion command selections announced
September 28, 2022
Virginia National Guard

TF Red Dragon conducts transfer of authority, ends mission in Horn of Africa
September 20, 2022
TF Red Dragon conducts transfer of authority, ends mission in Horn of Africa

Red Dragons earn their spurs in Kenya
September 1, 2022
Red Dragons earn their spurs in Kenya

VNG Soldier takes gold at World Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Championship
July 25, 2022
Pvt. Braylon Manuel

116th IBCT Soldiers train on new recoilless rifle system
June 15, 2021
Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team train on the M3E1 Multi-purpose Anti-armor Anti-personnel Weapon System June 4, 2021, at Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett, Virginia.

116th IBCT leads task force of 12 states at PI59
January 27, 2021
429th BSB Soldier stand guard in Washington, D.C.

Cav Soldiers recognize Smithfield VFW for support
September 21, 2020
Cav Soldiers recognize Smithfield VFW for support

Gunnery simulators augment Army Guard training
June 19, 2019
Spc. Erik Murphy, a cavalry scout with the Virginia Army National Guard's Troop B, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, engages targets with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun on the Individual Unstabalized Gunnery Trainer during training at the Suffolk Armory in Suffolk, Virginia, June 8, 2019. The IUGT is a computer-based simulator that connects the body of a weapon to a virtual reality system and is used to augment the training on crew-served weapons.

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