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Va. National Guard hosts closure ceremony in Clifton Forge
December 29, 2017
— The Virginia National Guard hosts a closure ceremony at the former location of the Clifton Forge Readiness Center Nov. 29, 2017, to formally mark the transfer of the facility to Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. Soldiers lowered and folded the U.S. and Virginia flags in front of the facility for the final time, and Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia, presented the Virginia flag to Dr. John J. Rainone, president of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College, to symbolize the transfer of the readiness center to college...
Governor-elect Northam to reappoint Williams as Adjutant General of Virginia
December 22, 2017
— Governor-elect Ralph Northam will reappoint Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams as the Adjutant General of Virginia, according to an announcement made Dec. 22, 2017. The announcement was made along with other key appointments for senior leadership positions within the incoming administration and is available online here:
Va. National Guard recruiters celebrate opening of new recruiting station
December 17, 2017
— Recruiters from the Virginia National Guard’s Recruiting and Retention Battalion gathered Dec. 13, 2017, to recognize the opening of their newest recruiting station in Springfield, Virginia. The new space replaces their previous northern Virginia location in Mount Vernon, and has space for a total of six recruiters, plus a section chief. The station services Fairfax and Arlington counties, the city of Alexandria, as well as parts of Prince William County, to include Woodbridge...
Virginia Guard field artillery Soldiers gather for Saint Barbara’s Day celebration
December 16, 2017
— Past and present Virginia National Guard field artillery Soldiers gathered for the traditional Saint Barbara’s Day celebration Dec. 9, 2017, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, hosted by the 1st Battalion, 111th Field Artillery Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team...
Gravely named as new Fort Pickett garrison commander, Scott to serve as 29th ID chief of staff
December 13, 2017
— Lt. Col. Paul Gravely will succeed Col. Preston Scott, Jr., as the Maneuver Training Center Fort Pickett garrison commander, according to an announcement made Dec. 13, 2017, by Maj. Gen. Timothy Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia. Gravely currently serves as the Fort Pickett director of plans, training and security, and Jan. 7, 2018, is his effective date for command. Scott will succeed Col. Kerry Dull as the chief of staff of the 29th Infantry Division...
29th Infantry Division Soldiers honored by Maryland, Virginia for overseas service
December 12, 2017
— Maryland and Virginia National Guard leadership each honored members of the 29th Infantry Division for their recent overseas deployment during ceremonies Dec. 2-3, 2017, in Maryland and Virginia. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran and Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia, as well as Virginia First Lady Dorothy McAuliffe, thanked the Soldiers and families of the 29th ID for their dedication, service and sacrifices over the past year at a holiday reception Dec. 2, 2017, at the Virginia Governor’s Mansion in Richmond, Virginia...
Governor christens howitzer, tours new Va. Guard headquarters site
December 8, 2017
— Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe christened a 105mm M101A1 towed howitzer December 8, 2017, at the site of the new Virginia National Guard Joint Force Headquarters under construction at Defense Supply Center Richmond, Virginia, then toured the facility for a construction update...
Governor, First Lady host receptions at Virginia’s Executive Mansion
December 5, 2017
— Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and First Lady of Virginia Dorothy McAuliffe hosted receptions for the Virginia National Guard Dec. 2 and 3, 2017, at Virginia’s Executive Mansion in Richmond, Virginia, to recognize the Soldiers and Airmen who returned from federal active duty deployments this year and their families as well as families of those personnel who are currently deployed...
Volant takes command of 91st Cyber Brigade
December 2, 2017
— Col. Adam C. Volant took command of the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 91st Cyber Brigade from Col. William L. Zana Dec. 2, 2017, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Brig. Gen. Walter L. Mercer, the Virginia National Guard’s Assistant Adjutant General – Army, presided over the exchange of unit colors that represented the transfer of command from Zana to Volant...
Virginia National Guard appoints full-time support chaplain
November 28, 2017
— The Virginia National Guard recently appointed Army Chaplain (Maj.) Brett Johnson as the state’s full-time support chaplain to provide religious support services to help ensure the spiritual well-being of Soldiers, Airmen, families and civilians. While he is stationed at Fort Pickett, Johnson is able to coordinate religious support for individuals all over the state...
Ceremony welcomes new 192nd Fighter Wing commander
November 22, 2017
— Virginia National Guard Air Component Commander Brig. Gen. Dean A. Tremps presented Col. Frank J. “Kidd” Lobash with the 192nd Fighter Wing guidon Nov. 19, 2017, at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia, to ceremonially mark Lobash as the new commander. Lobash officially assumed command Nov. 1, and the ceremony with the 192nd’s F-22 Raptor flagship in the background was an opportunity to officially welcome him in front of the wing’s Airmen...
Kjelvik selected as next Virginia National Guard Air Component Commander
November 21, 2017
— Col. Marshall L. Kjelvik will succeed Brig. Gen. Dean A. Tremps as the next Virginia National Guard Air Component Commander according to an announcement made Nov. 21, 2017, by Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia. Tremps has been selected for promotion to major general, and his next assignment will be Air National Guard Assistant to the Commander of Air Education and Training Command...
116th Infantry Regiment holds 50th annual Muster
November 16, 2017
— Veterans of the 116th Infantry Regiment and Soldiers currently assigned to 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team gathered for the 50th annual 116th Regimental Muster Nov. 11, 2017, in Staunton, Virginia...
Air Guard engineers conduct multi-day field training exercise
November 14, 2017
— More than 100 Airmen from the Virginia Air National Guard’s Virginia Beach-based 203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineer conducted a multi-day field training exercise Nov. 2-5, 2017, at Camp Pendleton State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The purpose of the FTX was to practice the squadron’s contingency and wartime capabilities in a simulated field environment over four days...
192nd IS provides vital support to recovery operations in Puerto Rico, USVI and Southern U.S.
November 10, 2017
— Nearly 20 Virginia National Guard Airmen assigned to the 192nd Intelligence Squadron, based at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, spent more than two months working around the clock to provide Incident Awareness and Assessment support to five states and territories following devastating hurricanes and tropical storms this summer and fall...
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192nd Maintenance Squadron, 192nd Maintenance Group (4)
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203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron (RED HORSE) (52)
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Governor of Virginia (78)
Virginia Defense Force (102)
Department of Military Affairs (139)
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Fort Barfoot (219)
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Youth Program (28)
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Funeral Honors Program (14)
Counterdrug Task Force (11)
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Va. Governor's National Service Medal (5)
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