Category: Virginia Defense Force

VDF provides logistics support during VNG winter storm response
January 26, 2022
VDF provides logistics support during VNG winter storm response

Virginia National Guard to stage personnel for possible winter weather response
January 21, 2022
Virginia National Guard to stage personnel for possible winter weather response in Southeast Virginia

Virginia National Guard staged, ready for possible winter weather response operations
January 16, 2022
Virginia National Guard Soldiers stage vehicles for possible winter storm response operations Jan. 15, 2022, in Staunton, Virginia.

VDF Officer Candidate School commissions three new officers
January 11, 2022
VDF Officer Candidate School commissions three new officers

Virginia National Guard to provide support for Governor’s Inauguration
January 10, 2022
Virginia National Guard to provide support for Governor’s Inauguration

Va. National Guard task force begins federal active duty for security mission in Africa
November 27, 2021
Va. National Guard task force begins federal active duty for security mission in Africa

Veterans Day observed across Virginia and overseas
November 17, 2021
Veterans honored at Va. War Memorial Ceremony

New VDF recruits graduate from Initial Entry Training, look forward to serving the commonwealth
November 3, 2021
New VDF recruits graduate from Initial Entry Training, look forward to serving the commonwealth

AG approves VDF force structure change
November 3, 2021
AG approves VDF force structure change

Virginia Defense Force conducts statewide readiness exercise
October 20, 2021
Virginia Defense Force conducts statewide readiness exercise

Governor's certificate recognizes VNG, VDF COVID-19 response support
October 15, 2021
Governor's certificate recognizes VNG, VDF COVID-19 response support

Online training provides valuable collaborative experience for VNG chaplains
July 14, 2021
Army Chaplain Corps crest

VDF Communication Battalion conducts readiness exercise
June 16, 2021
Virginia Defense Force personnel assigned to the Communication Battalion, Support Operations Group relay message traffic in a Mobile Communication Platform June 5, 2021, in Lynchburg, Virginia.

VDF conducts statewide response exercise
December 7, 2020
Virginia Defense Force personnel assigned to the 1st Regiment and Support Operations Group take part in the Highland Guardian field training exercise Nov. 7, 2020, in Lynchburg, Virginia.

VDF welcomes new command sergeant major
November 10, 2020
Command Sgt. Maj. Tony Kegley takes responsibility as the Virginia Defense Force command sergeant major from Command Sgt. Maj. Alan Grandis Nov. 7, 2020, at Fort Pickett, Virginia.

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