Category: Federal Mobilization

Departure ceremony sends off Sandston-based aviation units
May 28, 2016
Departure ceremony sends off Sandston-based aviation units

Family, friends, senior leaders bid farewell to the Red Dragons
May 18, 2016
Family, friends, senior leaders bid farewell to the Red Dragons

Transfer of Authority Ceremony held for 116th MET
May 11, 2016
Transfer of Authority Ceremony held for 116th MET

116th MET completes pre-mobilization training
March 11, 2016
116th MET completes pre-mobilization training

116th IBCT senior leaders visit Task Force Normandy
January 30, 2016
116th IBCT senior leaders visit Task Force Normandy

29th ID Soldiers support Operation Inherent Resolve
July 13, 2015
en Virginia National Guard Soldiers from the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division are currently mobilized in Southwest Asia providing engineer and administrative expertise in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and U.S. Central Command efforts as members of Combined Joint Interagency Task Force, Syria.

Va. Beach-based 529th CSSB completes federal mission in Kuwait, returns to United States
April 30, 2015
Va. Beach-based 529th CSSB completes federal mission in Kuwait, returns to United States

529th CSSB unfurls colors, begins mission in Kuwait
October 16, 2014
529th CSSB unfurls colors, begins mission in Kuwait

529th CSSB Soldiers depart for federal duty in Kuwait
June 26, 2014
529th CSSB Soldiers depart for federal duty in Kuwait

529th CSSB Soldiers prepare for federal mobilization
March 25, 2014
529th CSSB Soldiers prepare for federal mobilization

29th ID Soldiers in Afghanistan serve at National Military Command Center
February 13, 2012
29th ID Soldiers in Afghanistan serve at National Military Command Center

Soldiers from Staunton-based 116th Brigade Combat Team Headquarters return to Virginia after duty in Afghanistan
January 9, 2012
116th BCT HQs Soldiers return to Virginia after duty in Afghanis

Last group of Va. Guard Soldiers from Task Force 183 return to United States after duty in Iraq
December 15, 2011
Soldiers return to Christiansburg after tour of duty in Iraq

Task Force Punisher Soldiers return to Virginia from Iraq
December 15, 2011
Warm welcome home as "Task Force Punisher" returns to Virginia

First group of Sandston-based National Guard aviation battalion returns to USA from duty in Iraq
December 5, 2011

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