Archive: June, 2019

276th Engineers tackle Fort Pickett improvements during AT
June 26, 2019
276th Engineers tackle Fort Pickett improvements during AT

576th Engineer Detachment constructs, repairs facilities at SMR during annual training
June 25, 2019
576th Engineer Detachment constructs, repairs facilities at SMR during annual training

Veterans, retirees volunteer time, effort to help restore historic Duster
June 21, 2019
Veterans, retirees volunteer time, effort to help restore historic Duster

Gunnery simulators augment Army Guard training
June 19, 2019
Spc. Erik Murphy, a cavalry scout with the Virginia Army National Guard's Troop B, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, engages targets with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun on the Individual Unstabalized Gunnery Trainer during training at the Suffolk Armory in Suffolk, Virginia, June 8, 2019. The IUGT is a computer-based simulator that connects the body of a weapon to a virtual reality system and is used to augment the training on crew-served weapons.

183rd RTI celebrates accreditation success
June 18, 2019
183rd RTI celebrates accreditation success

Gibbs takes responsibility of Fort Bragg Warrior Transition Battalion
June 14, 2019
Gibbs takes responsibility of Fort Bragg Warrior Transition Battalion

29th ID remembers D-Day, 75 years later
June 13, 2019
29th ID remembers D-Day, 75 years later

Virginia Defense Force conducts communications, security training in Lynchburg
June 13, 2019
Virginia Defense Force conducts communications, security training in Lynchburg

VNG Soldiers to extend enlistments during Army Birthday Ceremony at the Pentagon
June 12, 2019

Riggers reflect on D-Day heroics 75 years after harrowing operation
June 12, 2019

Virginia National Guard honors volunteers at 2019 Volunteer Recognition & Training Workshop
June 10, 2019
Virginia National Guard honors volunteers at 2019 Volunteer Recognition & Training Workshop

Bedford ceremonies mark 75th anniversary of D-Day
June 7, 2019
Bedford ceremonies mark 75th anniversary of D-Day

Army National Guard offering six-year $20,000 re-enlistment bonus
June 6, 2019

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