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Virginia National Guard
The Commonwealth's Guardian
Va National Guard
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29th Adjutant General of Virginia- Message to the Force
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September, 2020
Military service stretches across country borders for Nemec family
September 30, 2020
— RICHMOND, Va. — For many, the stories that are handed down through generations have a strong influence on those who listen. Staff Sgt. Erick Nemec, assigned to the Virginia National Guard’s 29th Infantry Division, grew up hearing stories about his family’s military service in the Peru Armed Forces and their stories helped lead him to his own military career...
DMA hosts orientation for new employees
September 23, 2020
— The Virginia Department of Military Affairs hosted five new employees for a quarterly New Employee Orientation Class Sept. 1, 2020, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. Four new state employees and one Virginia National Guard Soldier on Active Duty for Operational Support orders attended the course. The orientation is a one-day course hosted by DMA leadership including retired Brig. Gen. Walt Mercer, the DMA chief operations officer, and retired Command Sgt. Maj. Tim White, the DMA instructor and trainer. The goal of the program is to not only cover the administrative aspects of in-processing new state workers, but also to help familiarize them with the agency and its organization...
203rd RED HORSE Airmen depart for federal deployment
September 21, 2020
— Virginia National Guard Airmen assigned to the Virginia Beach-based 203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers, 192nd Wing made final preparations and departed for an overseas federal active duty deployment Sept. 12, 2020, at the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia, visited with Airmen Sept. 9, and recognized outstanding Airmen and offered words of encouragement...
Cav Soldiers recognize Smithfield VFW for support
September 21, 2020
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Suffolk-based Bravo Troop, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team recognized and thanked members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8545 in Smithfield, Virginia, during a unit awards ceremony Sept. 11, 2020, in Suffolk, Virginia. Bravo Troop and Post 8545 came together under the VFW’s Adopt-a-Unit program. According to the VFW more than 121,000 military and family members are actively supported by VFW Posts and Auxiliaries through the VFW Adopt-a-Unit program...
Suicide Intervention Officer course trains leaders to help fellow Soldiers in crisis
September 15, 2020
— More than 20 Soldiers from around the Virginia National Guard participated in a Suicide Intervention Officer Course Aug. 25-27, 2020, at the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The three-day course, which is offered bi-monthly by the Virginia National Guard Suicide Prevention Program, provides training and resources for unit SIOs to help Soldiers who are thinking of or acting on suicide...
National Guard Soldier discusses pride of service
September 14, 2020
— Every Virginia National Guard Soldier plays a part in ensuring mission success and for Spc. Silvia Cavalier, an 88M Motor Transport Operator, recognizing her impact and the impact of her unit was easy...
Va. National Guard resuming COVID-19 response support
September 8, 2020
— Approximately 85 Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are trained and ready to resume support for Virginia’s COVID-19 response Sept. 8, 2020, and they are available to conduct COVID-19 sample test collection and training on the proper fit and wear of personal protective equipment. They spent about a week training and and preparing to include training with Virginia Department of Health medical professionals Sept. 4. The VNG will also provide regional planners to support Virginia Department of Emergency Management and VDH priorities for COVID-19 response...
A new normal: VaANG recruiters go digital
September 8, 2020
— As students begin the fall semester with virtual learning, recruiters in the Virginia Air National Guard are contending with their ability to meet the possible recruits in the new socially distant environment. There is no specific strategy or playbook for recruiting through a pandemic, but one thing is understood; recruiters must meet students where they are — online...
203rd RED HORSE helps with AASF improvements
September 3, 2020
— Virginia National Guard Airmen assigned to the Virginia Beach-based 203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron Engineers Squadron, 192nd Wing, completed several improvement projects July 27 – Aug. 7, 2020, at the Virginia National Guard’s Army Aviation Support Facility in Sandston, Virginia. During the two-week project, the RED HORSE engineers removed a large earthen berm to make room Aviators to conduct Army Combat Fitness Tests, as well as made some improvements to the facility’s flight line...
34th CST completes challenging two-day training exercise at SMR
September 3, 2020
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers and Airmen assigned to the Fort Pickett-based 34th Civil Support Team completed a challenging two-day training exercise August 25 and 27, 2020, at the State Military Reservation in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The 34th CST supports first responders during potential hazardous materials incidents involving possible chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive threats and can identify unknown substances, assess current and projected consequences, advise an incident commander on response measures and assist with requests for additional state support. During this exercise, the team was presented with a unique scenario involving a mock planned CBRNE attack at a large music festival...
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Army Guard (1094)
183rd Regiment, Regional Training Institute (119)
1st Battalion, 183rd RTI (14)
2nd Battalion, 183rd RTI (3)
3rd Battalion, 183rd RTI (59)
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1030th Transportation Battalion (36)
276th Engineer Battalion (54)
91st Cyber Brigade (47)
123rd Cyber Protection Battalion, 91st Cyber Brigade (8)
124th Cyber Protection Battalion, 91st Cyber Brigade (10)
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Virginia HART (10)
116th IBCT (273)
1-116th Infantry (70)
3-116th Infantry (42)
1-111th Field Artillery (42)
2-183rd Cavalry Squadron (33)
229th Brigade Engineer Battalion (33)
429th Brigade Support Battalion (29)
29th Division Band (36)
Air Guard (314)
192nd Wing (128)
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149th Fighter Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (9)
192nd Intelligence Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (4)
185th Cyberspace Operations Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (8)
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192nd Maintenance Squadron, 192nd Maintenance Group (4)
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192nd Mission Support Group (30)
192nd Support Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (3)
192nd Security Forces Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (6)
203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron (RED HORSE) (52)
192nd Medical Group (22)
Governor of Virginia (78)
Virginia Defense Force (102)
Department of Military Affairs (139)
Commonwealth ChalleNGe (41)
Fort Barfoot (219)
Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (9)
State Military Reservation (116)
Family Programs (40)
Youth Program (28)
Chaplain (17)
BSRT (3)
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (6)
Resilience, Risk Reduction & Suicide Prevention (11)
Funeral Honors Program (14)
Counterdrug Task Force (11)
COVID-19 (32)
59th Presidential Inauguration (11)
History (73)
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Va. Governor's National Service Medal (5)
Federal Mobilization (128)
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