Category: Recruiting & Retention Battalion

Lynchburg Army Guard recruiters challenge local lifeguards 
August 9, 2021
Virginia Army National Guard recruiters challenge area lifeguards at the 3rd Annual National Guard Water Sports Challenge, held July 10, 2021, at the Miller Park Pool in Lynchburg, Virginia. (Courtesy photo)

Local recruiters recognized by mayor in Virginia Beach 
July 28, 2021
Virginia Army National Guard recruiters participate in Local Heroes Day July 17, 2021, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Along with local first responders, the recruiters from the  accepted a proclamation and an engraved surfboard from Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer at the event. (Courtesy Photo)

Virginia recruiter helps bring Vietnam War Memorial replica to local community
June 2, 2021
Staff Sgt. Chris Dickenson, a recruiter for the Virginia Army National Guard, poses during the arrival of the Wall That Heals to Poplar Gap Park in Grundy, Virginia. The wall, which is a three quarters replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., was displayed in the park May 6-9, 2021. (Courtesy photo)

VNG “American Korean” talks career diversity & open-mindedness
May 19, 2021
Capt. John Choi Hemby

Recruiters team up with Habitat for Humanity to "Raise the Roof"
May 4, 2021
Soldiers assigned to the Virginia National Guard’s Recruiting & Retention Battalion volunteer their time with the Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg Organization April 21, 2021, in Newport News, Virginia. The Soldiers helped Habitat build and repair a home in the Newport News area while reinforcing and reflecting community pride and teamwork. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Lisa M. Sadler)

SMP prepares cadets for future training, paves pathway for success
April 26, 2021
Cadets enrolled in the Virginia Army National Guard’s Simultaneous Membership Program take to the skies on board UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters April 18, 2021, during a three-day field training exercise at Fort Pickett, Virginia. The cadets came together from universities across the state and spent the weekend gaining familiarity with military tasks. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)

Virginia Army Guard recruiters snag top spots after regional recruiting boards
April 1, 2021
Gettysburg, Pa. - Maj. Scott Nivens (far left), commander of the Virginia National Guard's Recruiting and Retention Battalion, poses with Virginia's top recruiters with Sgt. Maj. Stephen Koptchak (far right), at the Region II Strength Maintenance Advisory Group meeting in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. (Courtesy photo)

Newest R&R 1SG talks resilience, family balance
March 25, 2021
First Sgt. Ebony Bridges promotes one of her Soldiers during ceremony held March 24, 2021, in Richmond, Virginia. Bridges is assigned to Bravo Company of the Virginia National Guard's Recruiting and Retention Battalion. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)

Army Guard recruiter recommits to college commitment
March 1, 2021
Virginia Army National Guard recruiter Staff Sgt. Monisha Braxton assigned to the Recruiting and Retention Battalion shares stories about her military experience and the commitments she made to herself Feb 24, 2021, in Hampton, Virginia. With 8 years of service in the National Guard, Braxton stresses the importance of sticking to your goals. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Lisa M. Sadler)

Retention team finds success as Soldiers return from D.C. mission
February 22, 2021
Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Recruiting and Retention Battalion talk to Soldiers about retention as they out-process following their support to law enforcement in Washington, D.C., Jan. 25, 2021, at Fort Pickett, Virginia. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sg. 1st Class Terra C. Gatti)

Recruiter talks Guard benefits, importance of recognizing Black leaders
February 18, 2021
Sgt. 1st Class Gertha L. Cleveland, assigned to the Virginia Army National Guard's Recruiting and Retention Battalion, shares stories about her military experience and what African American History Month means to her Feb 10, 2021, in Norfolk, Virginia. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Lisa M. Sadler)

Soldier's 80-lb weight loss journey leads to military service
December 2, 2020
Staff Sgt. Roger Jackson, assigned to the 183rd Regional Regiment, Training Institute, weighed 250 lbs at the age of 17 (left), lost 80 lbs and today maintains a high-level of physical and mental toughness through regular and consistent training.

Dual military couple says finding each other is best military perk
November 17, 2020
Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Robichaud and Staff Sgt. Sara Robichaud, both assigned to the Virginia Army National Guard, pose with their children. The two have more than 20 years of combined service and enjoy the life the military has given them and their children.

VNG holds ACFT challenge, names top battalion team
March 9, 2020
VNG holds ACFT challenge, names top battalion team

Staunton recruiter hits the streets with new ruck club
February 26, 2020
Staunton recruiter hits the streets with new ruck club

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