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Virginia National Guard
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Va National Guard
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1-116th Infantry
Celebration marks new recruiting storefront in Roanoke
August 15, 2023
— The Virginia Army National celebrated the opening of their new Roanoke-area recruiting storefront with a ribbon cutting and open house Aug. 12, 2023, in Roanoke, Virginia...
116th IBCT NCO Earns EIB with the Old Guard
June 11, 2023
— Staff Sgt. Alex Miller, assigned to the Virginia National Guard’s Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team earned the coveted Expert Infantryman Badge in March during testing with the Fort Meyer-based 3rd Infantry Regiment, known as the Old Guard at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. He was the only Soldier from the 116th IBCT to participate in the testing. ...
VNG public affairs NCO named Army Military Photographer of the Year
April 5, 2023
— The Army Chief of Public Affairs announced Virginia National Guard’s Staff Sgt. Jeff Clements as the Military Photographer of the Year during the 2022 Department of the Army Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware award announcements April 14, 2023. ...
1-116th NCO named top enlisted graduate at Ranger School
March 7, 2023
— After months of grueling effort, Staff Sgt. Matthew Dawson, a sniper team leader in the Virginia Army National Guard, completed Ranger School, earned the coveted Ranger Tab and was named the enlisted honor graduate for his Ranger School course. Dawson started Ranger School with 328 other Soldiers, graduated as one of 71 to avoid a recycle and was one of only three National Guard Soldiers to graduate with his class of 125 total graduates. Dawson’s father, who earned his own tab in 1990, was there to congratulate his son and pin his tab Jan. 27, 2023, at Fort Benning, Georgia...
Alpha Co. Soldiers honored at Bedford Welcome Home Parade
February 13, 2023
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Bedford-based Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team were honored for their federal active duty service in Africa at a welcome home parade hosted by the Bedford Boys Tribute Center Feb. 11, 2023, in Bedford, Virginia...
Task Force Red Dragon Soldiers recognized for federal active duty in Africa
January 25, 2023
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to Task Force Red Dragon received the Virginia Governor’s National Service Medal Jan. 21, 2023, at multiple locations across Virginia to recognize their federal active-duty service in Africa from November 2021 through September 2022. ...
Governor commends VNG, families after year busy with mobilizations
December 7, 2022
— Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin and the First Lady of Virginia Suzanne S. Youngkin hosted a reception for Virginia National Guard Soldiers, Airmen and their families Dec. 4, 2022, at Virginia’s Executive Mansion in Richmond, Virginia, to recognize the families of those personnel who are currently on federal active duty deployments. ...
Red Dragon conference room named for D-Day veteran
November 12, 2022
— The Virginia National Guard’s Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team dedicated the command conference room in their armory to Col. Thomas S. Dallas Sr. Nov. 10, 2022...
Mother, daughter duo deploy with VaARNG
October 20, 2022
— For a mother, leaving her daughter behind when getting deployed is heartbreaking, but leaving for deployment and seeing your daughter leave for a separate deployment is even harder. For Sgt. 1st Class Shannon Riddle deploying simultaneously with her daughter Spc. Mackenly Riddle has been an overwhelmingly humbling experience...
Virginia National Guard installation, brigade and battalion command selections announced
September 28, 2022
— The Adjutant General of Virginia announced officers who have been selected for command in the Virginia National Guard at the instillation, brigade and battalion level...
TF Red Dragon conducts transfer of authority, ends mission in Horn of Africa
September 20, 2022
— Virginia and Kentucky National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, known as Task Force Red Dragon, conducted a transfer of authority ceremony Sept. 19, 2022, to officially end their security mission for Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa. Soldiers from the New York Army National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry Regiment, known as Task Force Wolfhound, assumed responsibility for the mission. Approximately 1,000 Soldiers from across Virginia and Kentucky began serving on federal active duty on Nov. 27, 2021. With their mission complete, they will return to Virginia and Kentucky in the coming weeks...
Red Dragons earn their spurs in Kenya
September 1, 2022
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to Bravo Troop, 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, Task Force Red Dragon, Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa held a Spur Ride August 20, 2022, in Manda Bay, Kenya...
TF Red Dragon Soldiers awarded for German Armed Forces proficiency
July 19, 2022
— Fifty-seven Soldiers and Airmen assigned to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa earned the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge July 4-5, 2022, at Camp Simba, Kenya...
Task Force Red Dragon Soldiers save lives in Kenya
July 19, 2022
— Potts turned around to see a large cloud of dust emanating from the tree line where his squad had just come from. Looking around at one another, the squad immediately assumed that there had been a vehicle crash...
Task Force Red Dragon hosts D-Day remembrance ceremony in the Horn of Africa
June 14, 2022
— U.S. Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to Task Force Red Dragon, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), hosted a D-Day commemoration ceremony and ruck march June 6, 2022, at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti...
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3-116th Infantry (42)
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29th Division Band (36)
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192nd Maintenance Squadron, 192nd Maintenance Group (4)
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192nd Support Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (3)
192nd Security Forces Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (6)
203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron (RED HORSE) (52)
192nd Medical Group (22)
Governor of Virginia (78)
Virginia Defense Force (102)
Department of Military Affairs (139)
Commonwealth ChalleNGe (41)
Fort Barfoot (219)
Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (9)
State Military Reservation (116)
Family Programs (40)
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Chaplain (17)
BSRT (3)
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (6)
Resilience, Risk Reduction & Suicide Prevention (11)
Funeral Honors Program (14)
Counterdrug Task Force (11)
COVID-19 (32)
59th Presidential Inauguration (11)
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Va. Governor's National Service Medal (5)
Federal Mobilization (128)
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