Archive: November, 2016

Red Dragons host 10-Miler while deployed in the Middle East
November 22, 2016
Red Dragons host 10-Miler while deployed in the Middle East

183rd RTI earns “Institute of Excellence” status from TRADOC evaluation
November 15, 2016

MET Life: A day in the life of the 116th MET
November 14, 2016
MET Life: A day in the life of the 116th MET

29th ID Soldiers build tent structure for training exercise
November 13, 2016
29th ID Soldiers build tent structure for training exercise

Final field artillery live fire marks start of transformation
November 13, 2016
Final field artillery live fire marks start of transformation

Governor recognizes Va. Guard’s federal service on Veterans Day
November 12, 2016
Governor recognizes Va. Guard’s federal service on Veterans Day

Sec. Moran presents Governor’s Medal to MPs
November 8, 2016
Sec. Moran presents Governor’s Medal to MPs

VDF exercise tests commo systems, response capabilities
November 7, 2016
VDF exercise tests commo systems, response capabilities

Va. Guard hosts military funeral honors training at Camp Pendleton
November 6, 2016
Va. Guard hosts military funeral honors training at Camp Pendleton

34th CST evaluated as fully trained and mission capable
November 2, 2016
34th CST evaluated as fully trained and mission capable

29th Infantry Division departs for federal active duty
November 1, 2016
29th Infantry Division departs for federal active duty

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