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Virginia National Guard
The Commonwealth's Guardian
Va National Guard
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29th Adjutant General of Virginia- Message to the Force
2023 Planning for Potential Lapse in Funding
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2024 Veterans Day Message
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3rd Battalion, 183rd RTI
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Blackstone Army Airfield
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July, 2016
AG signs agreements to build on partnership with Blackstone
July 30, 2016
— Maj. Gen. Timothy P. Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia, visited the Blackstone Chamber of Commerce July 28, 2016, and signed two memorandums of understanding with Blackstone aimed at strengthening the relationship between the town and the Virginia National Guard’s Fort Pickett Maneuver Training Center...
Task Force Normandy Soldiers return to Virginia after federal active duty
July 27, 2016
— The last groups of Soldiers assigned to the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, also known as Task Force Normandy, returned to Virginia July 27, 2016, after serving on federal active duty since September 2015. More than 450 Soldiers from units based in Winchester, Woodstock, Leesburg and Suffolk provided security for installations in the U.S. Army’s Central Command area of operations in Qatar with just 90 days notice for the mission. The first groups of Soldiers returned to Virginia July 19...
Tajikistan senior leaders visit Virginia, Washington, D. C.
July 20, 2016
— Three members of the Tajikistan Ministry of Defense and two members of the Embassy of Tajikistan to the United States of America visited Virginia and Washington, D.C. July 15-18, 2016, as part of the National Guard State Partnership Program. During their trip, they met with members of the Virginia National Guard, the National Guard Bureau, the State Department and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy...
329th RSG Soldiers conduct staff planning exercise
July 17, 2016
— Soldiers assigned the Virginia National Guard’s Virginia Beach-based 329th Regional Support Group conducted a staff planning exercise focused on Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration, or JRSOI, in support of hurricane response operations July 14-16, 2016, at Camp Pendleton in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Army National Guard, Air National Guard and Virginia Defense Force personnel from the Virginia National Guard joint staff acted as the higher headquarters for the exercise...
Soldiers, Airmen train on communications system in Onancock
July 15, 2016
— Soldiers and Airmen assigned to the information technology and communication sections of the Virginia National Guard joint staff and Army Guard staff train on the Joint Incident Site Communications Capability July 13, 2016, in Onancock, Virginia. The JISCC is an advanced communications system that can be rapidly deployed to an incident location and uses secure satellite connections to provide the Guard and first responders with high speed internet, voice-over-IP telephones and high frequency radio communications...
Red Dragons take over security mission in Qatar
July 13, 2016
— Two Virginia Army National Guard units charged with the responsibility for security at Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar, conducted a Relief In Place/Transfer of Authority ceremony July 11, 2016. Soldiers from the Lynchburg-based 1st Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, also known as the Red Dragons, assumed responsibility for the mission from the Winchester-based 3rd Battalion, 116th Infantry Regiment, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, also known as Task Force Normandy...
29th ID leads multinational exercise, Saber Strike 16
July 11, 2016
— More than 20 Maryland and Virginia National Guard Soldiers from the Fort Belvoir-based 29th Infantry Division traveled to Europe to participate in Saber Strike 16 June 4-22, 2016, in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania...
Fort Pickett maintenance site wins 2015 Army Award for Maintenance Excellence
July 10, 2016
— The Virginia National Guard’s Fort Pickett-based Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site has been selected for a 2015 Army Award for Maintenance Excellence in the Army National Guard Table of Distribution and Allowance Category, according to announcement made July 6, 2016...
Volunteer recognized with regional award
July 8, 2016
— Brig. Gen. Paul Griffin, the Virginia National Guard Director of the Joint Staff, recognized Krystin Kelley as the 2015 Volunteer of the Year for Region 3 July 6, 2016, in Sandston, Virginia. Joining Griffin for the presentation were Vickie Sais, State Family Programs director, Lt. Col. Rusty McGuire, commander of 2nd Squadron, 183rd Cavalry Regiment, 116th IBCT, her husband Spc. Christopher E. Kelley and their niece. Each year the National Guard Bureau Family Programs Office recognizes one adult volunteer from each of the 10 regions who shows outstanding and exceptional service...
Virginia Soldiers recover World War I German mortar
July 8, 2016
— Virginia National Guard Soldiers assigned to the Richmond-based Combined Support Maintenance Shop recovered a World War I era German mortar that had been lost for more than 40 years July 7, 2016, near Petersburg, Virginia...
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News Archive by Category
All Entries
Adjutant General (326)
Joint Force Headquarters (248)
34th Civil Support Team (38)
34th CERFP (19)
State Partnership Program (55)
Tajikistan Partnership (47)
Finland Partnership (18)
Army Guard (1094)
183rd Regiment, Regional Training Institute (119)
1st Battalion, 183rd RTI (14)
2nd Battalion, 183rd RTI (3)
3rd Battalion, 183rd RTI (59)
329th Regional Support Group (168)
529th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (55)
1030th Transportation Battalion (36)
276th Engineer Battalion (54)
91st Cyber Brigade (47)
123rd Cyber Protection Battalion, 91st Cyber Brigade (8)
124th Cyber Protection Battalion, 91st Cyber Brigade (10)
Recruiting & Retention Battalion (72)
Medical Command (14)
29th Infantry Division (160)
29th DIVARTY (2)
2-224th Aviation (89)
Virginia HART (10)
116th IBCT (273)
1-116th Infantry (70)
3-116th Infantry (42)
1-111th Field Artillery (42)
2-183rd Cavalry Squadron (33)
229th Brigade Engineer Battalion (33)
429th Brigade Support Battalion (29)
29th Division Band (36)
Air Guard (314)
192nd Wing (128)
192nd Operations Group (26)
149th Fighter Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (9)
192nd Intelligence Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (4)
185th Cyberspace Operations Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (8)
192nd Operations Support Squadron, 192nd Operations Group (1)
200th Weather Flight (1)
192nd Maintenance Group (18)
192nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 192nd Maintenance Group (5)
192nd Maintenance Squadron, 192nd Maintenance Group (4)
192nd Maintenance Operations Flight, 192nd Maintenance Group (0)
192nd Mission Support Group (30)
192nd Support Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (3)
192nd Security Forces Squadron, 192nd Mission Support Group (6)
203rd Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron (RED HORSE) (52)
192nd Medical Group (22)
Governor of Virginia (78)
Virginia Defense Force (102)
Department of Military Affairs (139)
Commonwealth ChalleNGe (41)
Fort Barfoot (219)
Maneuver Area Training Equipment Site (9)
State Military Reservation (116)
Family Programs (40)
Youth Program (28)
Chaplain (17)
BSRT (3)
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (6)
Resilience, Risk Reduction & Suicide Prevention (11)
Funeral Honors Program (14)
Counterdrug Task Force (11)
COVID-19 (32)
59th Presidential Inauguration (11)
History (73)
H2F (10)
Va. Governor's National Service Medal (5)
Federal Mobilization (128)
Domestic Response Operations (40)